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Your height in feet and inches, e.g. 5'7"
Your age in years. Required if under 18. See our Performer FAQs.
Your normal hair color (answer bald if that applies)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
.pdf preferred, .doc and .txt accepted
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.png preferred; .gif, .jpg and .jpeg accepted
NOT REQUIRED FOR THOSE ATTENDING LIVE PRELIMINARY AUDITIONS. If you have more than one link, list the additional ones below in the Previous LONJ Shows, Additional Videos, Anything Else section below.
Role(s) auditioned for (select all that apply)
Preferred Preliminary Audition Date
All auditions to be held in Basking Ridge, NJ. Exact location provided upon registration. No walk-ins accepted.

In-person Preliminary Auditions: Please prepare two contrasting 16 bar cuts in the style of the show (you are encouraged to choose a song from The Pirates of Penzance.) Bring suitable sheet music for the accompanist. We will provide an accompanist, or you may bring your own. You may be asked to stay and read. There will be no dance call at the auditions.

Virtual Preliminary Auditions: Please provide a link to a video of you performing two contrasting 16 bar cuts in the style of the show (you are encouraged to choose a song from The Pirates of Penzance.) You may also provide a link to a dance video if you wish, although this is not required. Submit all videos by April 8, 2025.

Callback Auditions: We will contact those who are being invited to the Callback round to arrange an audition time. Callback auditions will be held in Basking Ridge, NJ on April 12 from 1 PM to 5 PM. Callbacks will be in-person only, not virtual.

Please do not register for a preliminary audition if you cannot attend a callback audition on April 12 from 1 PM to 5 PM in Basking Ridge, NJ.  Check our Performer FAQs or contact if you have any questions.