Stars of Tomorrow Vocal Competition

for New Jersey High School Students

Light Opera of NJ (LONJ) will host the finals of its second annual Stars of Tomorrow, a vocal competition for New Jersey High School students on April 5 at 2 PM in Basking Ridge, NJ. The grand prize is $1000 and an appearance in an upcoming LONJ production, $500 for second place and $250 for third place as determined by the judges; plus $100 for the winner of the audience favorite award. Tickets are now available at THIS PAGE.

FINALISTS ANNOUNCED: The following twelve students will be competing.

Becca Axler
Becca AxlerMadison High School
Ashley Bowling
Ashley BowlingScotch Plains - Fanwood High School
Carolyn Byrne
Carolyn ByrneChatham High School
Lauren Byrne
Lauren ByrneChatham High School
Katie Holzer
Katie HolzerMontclair - Kimberley Academy
Sachie Kelkar
Sachie KelkarParsippany High School
Kanyya Lewis-Robinson
Kanyya Lewis-RobinsonCicely Tyson School of Performing & Fine Arts
David Perry
David PerryMontclair High School
Echo Picone
Echo PiconeWarren Hills Regional High School
Kailyn Sellers
Kailyn SellersMontclair High School
Ava Valluzzi
Ava ValluzziUnion County Vo-Tech Academy for the Performing Arts
Daniel Wallace
Daniel WallaceKittatinny Regional High School
Becca Axler
Becca AxlerMadison High School
Ashley Bowling
Ashley BowlingScotch Plains - Fanwood High School
Carolyn Byrne
Carolyn ByrneChatham High School
Lauren Byrne
Lauren ByrneChatham High School
Katie Holzer
Katie HolzerMontclair - Kimberley Academy
Sachie Kelkar
Sachie KelkarParsippany High School
Kanyya Lewis-Robinson
Kanyya Lewis-RobinsonCicely Tyson School of Performing & Fine Arts
David Perry
David PerryMontclair High School
Echo Picone
Echo PiconeWarren Hills Regional High School
Kailyn Sellers
Kailyn SellersMontclair High School
Ava Valluzzi
Ava ValluzziUnion County Vo-Tech Academy for the Performing Arts
Daniel Wallace
Daniel WallaceKittatinny Regional High School
Becca Axler
Becca AxlerMadison High School
Ashley Bowling
Ashley BowlingScotch Plains - Fanwood High School
Carolyn Byrne
Carolyn ByrneChatham High School
Lauren Byrne
Lauren ByrneChatham High School
Katie Holzer
Katie HolzerMontclair - Kimberley Academy
Sachie Kelkar
Sachie KelkarParsippany High School
Kanyya Lewis-Robinson
Kanyya Lewis-RobinsonCicely Tyson School of Performing & Fine Arts
David Perry
David PerryMontclair High School
Echo Picone
Echo PiconeWarren Hills Regional High School
Kailyn Sellers
Kailyn SellersMontclair High School
Ava Valluzzi
Ava ValluzziUnion County Vo-Tech Academy for the Performing Arts
Daniel Wallace
Daniel WallaceKittatinny Regional High School